Coldwell Banker

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[email protected]

580 El Camino Real

San Carlos




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What is my kryptonite? 

Well, one must first have a superpower it can disable, right? 

What is my superpower? 

Is it my friendliness? 

The ability to quickly feel someone else’s emotions and mirror them back? 

Is it empathetic listening? 

Or turning feelings into words? 

Whatever it is, my superpower requires interaction to function. 

Therefore, my kryptonite is: isolation.  

As in: being left out, ignored, shunned, alone. That is my nemesis.  

Being discounted, overlooked, taken for granted, forgotten, or dismissed. 

Alone, I have no one else to bounce off of. 

No echo confirming my existence. 

No audience to move, no applause to savor. 

Just cold emptiness and silent walls where doubt creeps in like a chilly draft and slowly strangles. Inspiration whimpers.  

Creativity trembles and shrinks into a tight ball where it hides in the corner. 

Depression takes center stage and wields its whip. 

I helplessly do its bidding, cry its tears and coagulate into frozen inactivity. 

Devoid of purpose, energy or even clear thought; I flail like a moth caught in a sticky web, doomed to be devoured. 


Yes, THAT is my kryptonite. 


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Jeannine Gerkman
Jeannine Gerkman